Welcome all to the blog once again! We have a few updates...
Sarah was offered a chance to do a workshop on Domestic Violence for the women's group that meets monthly at the Catholic Church at our town... here are some photos:

Power and control wheel for Sarah's Violence Prevention charla with the women's group at the Catholic church in town.

The women making their posters of different aspects of how violence affects the community.

The women's group! (background: Jesus)
Bonus: Our English class

Our weekly English class. We had them run a race to match colors from Spanish to English.

Sarah teaching the colors.

Mat teaching some grammar.
That's it for now! Have a great weekend and try to stay warm in February.
The courtyard looks beautiful! Rojo is red,( aren't you proud of me Sarah?). I am so proud of the two of you. Love the pictures, keep them coming. Kiss each other for me.
Aunt Kath'
Y'all's new place looks great! I like the brick and the courtyard. I am so happy for you that you found a more comfortable home...Ojalá that it is all that you hoped it would be!
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