Sunday, May 25, 2008

Delicious Irony

So guess who's getting over a nasty case of food poisoning? And who got food poisoning two hours after writing this post. Guess I had it coming! Hahaha. I'm much better now and I'm in Antigua but it was a miserable 8 hours of shooting liquid out of every available orifice! Guess I won't be eating street food again.



Unknown said...

Ouch! I hope you're feeling well enough to enjoy your anniversary!
We're thinking of you and missing you.
We thoroughly enjoy the emails and the blogs.
You are racking up some great stories for the generations to come and you've only been there 3 weeks.
Just remember that everything is hard before it becomes easy!
Happy Anniversary!
With much love to you and Sarita,
Mama K

Rob said...

OH NOES! Hope everything else is going great, and happy anniversary to you and Sarah


Mamacita Jo said...

Love your blog! Love you both! Happy Anniversary!