Virtual Tour of our House!

Here is the front door/entryway area

Here is the carpark and steps to the roof where we hang our clothes. The pila is under that staircase.

This is the over-sized sink/laundry "machine" (the pila)

As you can see, the left is for scrubbing clothes (into tatters), the middle functions as the water storage part, and the right for washing dishes. As it is under the staircase, it doesn't really function well for tall people.

View from the front door looking into the living room. Beyond that is the kitchen.

Showing our side of the kitchen. The fridge, stove, and all of those sauces and stuff are ours. Yay for stuff!

View from the back door looking towards the front. To the right is our room.

Looking out the backdoor into our super-sweet backyard. The garden includes: Papaya, Mango, some crazy cool lime-orange hybrid, Lemongrass, guayabas, bananas, and probably other things which don't know yet. One reason not to move, heh.
Feria de San Andrés Sajcabajá 2008
Every year there is a super long feria to celebrate something ... not really sure yet. We were talking with a nurse at the health center and he was saying he doesn't really like them because of the ridiculous amounts of drinking and fighting. What started as a religious tradition has now become a reason to get together and party hard. And by party hard I mean cockfighting and rodeos. Most likely while drunk, heh.

The pretty good band.
Some cool costumes called "Toritos", which means "little bulls". You can see the little bull heads on the costumes. Tonight they are going to launch fireworks while dancing around IN the costumes. Gotta love it! (Don't worry, I'll bring my camera)
That's all for now folks! Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our life. More updates to come!

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